Tag: gaming

Knitting Up the Loose Ends

Hello, crafty and sundry! My, it’s been busy around here lately, and I’ve apparently fallen off the blogging bandwagon. It, in part, started because I was having computer troubles. My desktop’s GPU (graphics processing unit, or graphics card) was overheating for some reason, and I’ve spent some time troubleshooting it. That included taking things apart …

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Return of the Knitting

Hello, crafty and sundry! It’s a huge relief for November to be over. Even if I won NaNoWriMo on the 19th, and wrote ‘The End’ on the 21st, the rest of the month has totally been a cooling down period. I’ve refrained from thoughts of writing beyond my daily efforts (my private blog and my …

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NaNoWriMo: Done and Dusted!

Hello, crafty and sundry! Hrm, the header is probably a bit of a giveaway, but — I did it. I won NaNoWriMo again. I hit 50k on the 19th, and wrote ‘the end’ on the 21st… just in time for the weekend, hee hee. If anyone is interested in reading it, I’ll be turning it …

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Taking it Back to my Minecraft Home

For various reasons, I’ve started new Minecraft games since I started playing the game earlier this year. Some of it has been experimentation with biome sizes, cheats, and so forth. A few times, I’ve died several times in a row on a map and been so frustrated that I wanted to start from the beginning. …

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A Personal (Sims) Challenge: Be Aspirational

I have been a fan of The Sims franchise since before the first game in the series came out. I’d gotten hooked on Simcity in the mid-90s, and was always a bit saddened that you couldn’t just zoom in on a house or a street and do their story. So when I heard about it …

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Gaming: A Lifelong/Family-tastic Affair

As far back as I remember, I have been a gamer. While not quite my earliest memory, a closer runner is the Saturday mornings of my youth in Texas. I would wake up before everyone else to watch cartoons, as befits being that sort of age (well, and this age too. Anyways *cough*). However, I …

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A Sort of Glorious Relaunch

Hello, all and sundry! Firstly, if you are here because you followed this blog when it was The Scarlet B, allow me to direct you to its new home:: The Scarlet B. The long and the short is that I broke the back-end here irrevocably, so I got off my ass and moved domains as …

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