Tag: cardigan

Knitting Up the Loose Ends

Hello, crafty and sundry! My, it’s been busy around here lately, and I’ve apparently fallen off the blogging bandwagon. It, in part, started because I was having computer troubles. My desktop’s GPU (graphics processing unit, or graphics card) was overheating for some reason, and I’ve spent some time troubleshooting it. That included taking things apart …

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A Wild Scarf Appeared!

Hello, crafty and sundry! Now me, I couldn’t resist a Pokémon reference, hee hee. While I don’t have Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire yet, they’ll eventually make their way into my hot little hands. Because yanno, I’ve been addicted to the franchise for the entire almost 20 year span, so… gotta catch ’em all! Now, …

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Return of the Knitting

Hello, crafty and sundry! It’s a huge relief for November to be over. Even if I won NaNoWriMo on the 19th, and wrote ‘The End’ on the 21st, the rest of the month has totally been a cooling down period. I’ve refrained from thoughts of writing beyond my daily efforts (my private blog and my …

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