It seemed like I would never finish the top of this top that I mentioned in my last post. I’ve done it before, but it was for a size years smaller, so it knitted up faster. Around and around I went, making raglan increases. Mind, it’s a pretty neat way to start a top from …
September 2014 archive
Stitching, Bitching, Love
I am, for the most part, a very happy introvert. I stay in my little nest doing my own thing, and it brings me much contentment. But of course, all humans need actual, in person interaction. So to get that fix, I go to a local Stitch ‘n Bitch group once ever other week. …
A Great Day (For Banana Bread)
Hello, all and sundry! I’ve been looking around my house for the last couple of days trying to think what I should post about. As heavily as I game, I could probably natter on about Minecraft or The Sims non-stop, but that would get dull. This morning, Lilbit (my 4 year old) asked me for …
Gaming: A Lifelong/Family-tastic Affair
As far back as I remember, I have been a gamer. While not quite my earliest memory, a closer runner is the Saturday mornings of my youth in Texas. I would wake up before everyone else to watch cartoons, as befits being that sort of age (well, and this age too. Anyways *cough*). However, I …
A Sort of Glorious Relaunch
Hello, all and sundry! Firstly, if you are here because you followed this blog when it was The Scarlet B, allow me to direct you to its new home:: The Scarlet B. The long and the short is that I broke the back-end here irrevocably, so I got off my ass and moved domains as …